WRDS Data Directly from Python, R, and MATLAB

DEPRECATED! We’re working on documentation for connecting to WRDS via their newer PostgreSQL service See https://wrds-www.wharton.upenn.edu/pages/support/programming-wrds/ for details for newest methods … some adjustments to the WRDS documentation are needed, generally installing any libraries, packages, or modules required (Python: ‘wrds’, R: RPostgres, etc.) Original Article (DEPRECATED): Using Wharton Research Computing’sRead More

Running LDA modeling on Wharton’s HPCC

I have been assisting a faculty member within the Marketing Department with an ongoing research project involving U.S. senatorial elections over the past 36 years. For each election a set of media articles were gathered along with some meta data (title, publication, etc.) making up a corpus. Each corpus contains, on average,Read More