[DEPRECATED] EPO PATSTAT 2016b (Fall) is Here!

2018-10: PATSTAT IS DEPRECATED AT Wharton! Please contact research-computing@wharton.upenn.edu for alternative patent data methods. We currently recommend Google BigQuery.

Wharton Research Computing is excited to announce the European Patent Office’s PATSTAT Fall 2016 (2016b) worldwide patent data.

We have loaded Fall 2016 PATSTAT onto our HPC systems, including:

  • raw CSV files (in ZIPs) at /data/PATSTAT/patstat2016b
  • indexed tables (for fast queries!) in our MySQL servers as the ‘patstat2016b’ database

University 2016 PATSTAT subscribers already have access. If you aren’t a 2016 university subscriber, you may purchase (faculty) or be granted (PhD) access through Wharton Research Computing. So get in touch and we’ll get you set up.

With two decades of experience supporting research and more than a decade at The Wharton School, Hugh enjoys the challenges and rewards of working with world-class researchers doing Amazing Things with research computing. Robust and scalable computational solutions (both on premise and in The Cloud), custom research programming solutions (clever ideas, simple code), and holistic, results-focused approaches to projects are the places where Hugh lives these days. On weekends you're likely to find him running through the woods with a topo map and compass, orienteering.