
Stat/Transfer provides fast, reliable, and convenient data transfer/translation between popular data formats. More information can be found at:

Stat/Transfer on Wharton HPC3

Interactive Stat/Transfer Sessions


qrsh st

Help (once you’re in st):


List of Formats:

help formats

Translate SAS Dataset into MATLAB data format (interactive):

copy /wrds/crsp/sasdata/m_stock/msf.sas7bdat msf.mat

Exit Stat/Transfer:


Translate SAS Dataset into MATLAB data format (one command):

qrsh st /wrds/crsp/sasdata/m_stock/msf.sas7bdat msf.mat


NOTE: you must have X forwarding set up for this to work in our HPC3 environment (see SSH X Forwarding)

qrsh stattransfer

Scripted Stat/Transfer

You can also add st commands to your job scripts pre or post your main code:

st /wrds/crsp/sasdata/m_stock/msf.sas7bdat msf.mat