Seamless R and C++ integration with Rcpp

Are you an R programmer? Do you like high-performance computing? Do you want to accelerate your core R functions? Do you sound like a pirate when you talk about your code? Then, this book may be for you: Seamless R and C++ integration with Rcpp

Rcpp is an R add-on package which facilitates extending R with C++ functions. It is being used for anything from small and quickly constructed add-on functions written either to fluidly experiment with something new or to accelerate computing by replacing an R function with its C++ equivalent to large-scale bindings for existing libraries, or as a building block in entirely new research computing environments. While still relatively new as a project, Rcpp has already become widely deployed among users and developers in the R community. Rcpp is now the most popular language extension for the R system and used by over 100 CRAN packages as well as ten BioConductor packages. This books aims to provide a solid introduction to Rcpp.

Now available from Penn Libraries as a full-text e-book. Read it now.

As a specialist in Linux and high-performance computing, Burris enjoys enabling faculty within The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania by providing effective research computing resources. Burris has been involved in research computing since 2001. Current projects find Burris working with HPC, big data, cloud computing and grid technologies. His favorite languages are Python and BASH. In his free time, he enjoys bad cinema, video editing, synthesizers and bicycling.