Towards Research IT Support as a Service

Our team’s overarching strategic goal is to create a set of centralized and scaleable research-related IT services in order to attract and retain top quality researchers.  Sounds simple, right?  However at Wharton (and perhaps Penn), it turns out that teaching is much more efficiently and centrally served than research is (at leastRead More

Wharton HPCC Hardware Has Arrived

Wharton Research Computing is excited to announce that our new High-Performance Computing Cluster is here! This hardware refresh is now in the process of being brought online. Wharton researchers can look forward to two terabytes of working memory and 512 of the fastest currently available CPU cores. This platform willRead More

Notes from the ARCC14 Workshop

One of the perks of my job is that it lands me at some really interesting conferences related to computing infrastructure. Most recently, I attended Advancing Research Computing on Campuses (ARCC): Best Practices Workshop – where I took notes, so you didn’t have to! Held on the University of Illinois campusRead More