MariaDB is a flexible, widely used database server. The client tools are installed on all compute and submit nodes for access to your database. More information can be found at:

MariaDB in Wharton’s HPC Environment

Up to 32GB of storage space is available for free use for all users of our HPC environment, but requires activation. Please e-mail with a request for a MariaDB database creation, or access to other existing databases.

For These Demos: Request us_census Database Access

E-mail and ask for access to the MySQL database: us_census

Use The MySQL Client

On any HPC3 system, you can:

mysql -A -h -p
Enter password: YOUR_MARIADB_PASSWORD (NOT PennKey or Wharton password!!)

You can ‘save’ your password in a ~/.my.cnf file, like:

user         = USERNAME
password     = MARIADB_PASSWORD
host         =

Set Up ODBC Connector

To reduce the need to store passwords in code (bad idea!), you can create an .odbc.ini file in your home directory (Linux) on the cluster, like so:

Description = My Database
Driver = MariaDB
FileUsage = 1
Database = DATABASE
PORT = 3306
Password = PASSWORD

Change both instances of ‘DATABASE’ to the correct DB name – usually your username, or another available DB like us_census. Change ‘USERNAME’ to your username, and ‘PASSWORD’ to your MySQL password (not your Wharton or Penn password!!!).

For example, setting up your ‘patstat2015b’ access:

Description = US Census
Driver = MariaDB
FileUsage = 1
Database = us_census
PORT = 3306
Password = PASSWORD

Change ‘USERNAME’ to your username, and ‘PASSWORD’ to your MySQL password (not your Wharton or Penn password!!!).

Test DSN Configuration and Connectivity

From an SSH session, test connectivity with ‘isql DATABASE’. For example:

 isql us_census
| Connected! |
| |
| sql-statement |
| help [tablename] |
| quit |
| |
SQL> show tables;
| Tables_in_us_census |
| census_blocks |
SQLRowCount returns 1
1 rows fetched

MariaDB Server Access

Connect to our MariaDB server from any HPC3 node (compute or login) with your provided MySQL account information, or from a Penn or Wharton VPN-connected device.

MySQL and Python

Set Up and Test ODBC Connector

Create an .odbc.ini file and test connectivity per the instructions at the top of this page.

Testing Python to MySQL Connectivity

As usual, you’ll want to setup a virtualenv for your Python work:

mkvirtualenv mySqldemo

OR if you already have one setup, activate it:

workon mySqldemo

You’ll need to install the pyodbc package. The following works well:

pip install pyodbc

Once you have the package installed, create and run (python scriptname) the following script:

import pyodbc

#create a mySQL connection
cnx = pyodbc.connect("DSN=hughmac")

#create a cursor for handling inserts, selects, etc
cursor = cnx.cursor()

# drop table.
sql = 'DROP TABLE demo'

#create a table.
sql = 'CREATE TABLE demo (id int not null auto_increment primary key, firstname varchar(75), lastname varchar(75))'

#insert some data
first = 'Max'
last = 'Rockatansky'

cursor.execute("INSERT INTO demo(`firstname`, `lastname`) VALUES (?,?)", (first,last))
#need to commit the insert

#pull the data back out again and print
sql = 'SELECT * FROM demo'

recs = cursor.fetchall()
print recs


MySQL and R

It’s possible to work with your (or other available) MariaDB database directly from within R, either in the HPC3 environment (preferred and documented here), from another R installation on Penn’s campus (less preferred but possible), or remotely with the VPN active (highly discouraged, but again possible).

Generally, instructions are from

Set Up and Test ODBC Connector

Create an .odbc.ini file and test connectivity per the instructions at the top of this page.

Testing R to MariaDB Connectivity

Now you’re ready to test connectivity from within R.

$ qlogin
$ R --no-save


MariaDB and MATLAB

It’s possible to work with your (or other available) MariaDB database directly from within MATLAB, either in the HPC3 environment (preferred and documented here), from another MATLAB installation on Penn’s campus (less preferred but possible), or remotely with the VPN active (highly discouraged, but again possible).

Generally, instructions are from

Testing MATLAB to MariaDB Connectivity

There is no particular ‘setup’ required for MATLAB + JDBC connectivity, so you’re ready to test connectivity from within MATLAB.

$ qlogin
$ matlab -nodisplay

[ ... ]

>> javaaddpath('/usr/local/etc/mysql_jdbc_driver/mysql-jdbc.jar')
>> setdbprefs('DataReturnFormat','cellarray')
>> patstat = database('patstat2015b', 'USERNAME', 'MYSQL_PASSWORD', 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver', 'jdbc:mysql://hpcc-sql/patstat2015b');
>> sqlquery = 'show tables';
>> curs = exec(us_census, sqlquery);
>> curs = fetch(curs);
>> curs.Data


>> sqlquery = 'select * from tls801_country limit 10';
>> curs = exec(patstat, sqlquery);
>> curs = fetch(curs);
>> curs.Data

ans =

 ' ' ' ' 'unknown' '' '' '' '' '' ''
 'AD' 'AND' 'Andorra' 'Y' 'Europe' '' '' '' ''
 'AE' 'ARE' 'United Arab Emir...' 'Y' 'Asia' '' '' '' ''
 'AF' 'AFG' 'Afghanistan' 'Y' 'Asia' '' '' '' ''
 'AG' 'ATG' 'Antigua and Barb...' 'Y' 'America' '' '' '' ''
 'AI' 'AIA' 'Anguilla' 'Y' 'America' '' '' '' ''
 'AL' 'ALB' 'Albania' 'Y' 'Europe' '' 'Y' '' ''
 'AM' 'ARM' 'Armenia' 'Y' 'Europe' '' '' '' ''
 'AO' 'AGO' 'Angola' 'Y' 'Africa' '' '' '' ''
 'AP' ' ' 'African Regional...' '' '' '' '' '' ''


MariaDB and Stata

It’s possible to work with your (or other available) MariaDB database directly from within Stata, either in the HPC3 environment (preferred and documented here), from another Stata installation on Penn’s campus (less preferred but possible), or remotely with the VPN active (highly discouraged, but again possible).

Generally, instructions are from

Set Up and Test ODBC Connector

Create a .odbc.ini file and test connectivity per the instructions at the top of this page.

Testing Stata to MariaDB Connectivity

Now you’re ready to test connectivity from within Stata.

$ qrsh stata

 ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ (R)
 /__ / ____/ / ____/
___/ / /___/ / /___/ 14.0 Copyright 1985-2015 StataCorp LP
 Statistics/Data Analysis StataCorp
 4905 Lakeway Drive
 Special Edition College Station, Texas 77845 USA
 979-696-4601 (fax)

20-user Stata network perpetual license:
 Serial number: 401406203416
 Licensed to: The Wharton School
 University of Pennsylvania

 1. Stata is running in batch mode.
 2. Unicode is supported; see help unicode_advice.
 3. Maximum number of variables is set to 5000; see help set_maxvar.

. set odbcmgr unixodbc
set odbcmgr unixodbc

. odbc load, exec("select * from tls801_country") noquote dsn(patstat2015b)
odbc load, exec("select * from tls801_country") noquote dsn(patstat2015b)

. describe

Contains data
 obs: 234
 vars: 9
 size: 21,060
 storage display value
variable name type format label variable label
ctry_code str2 %9s
iso_alpha3 str3 %9s
st3_name str59 %59s
state_indicator str1 %9s
continent str21 %21s
eu_member str1 %9s
epo_member str1 %9s
oecd_member str1 %9s
discontinued str1 %9s
Sorted by:
 Note: Dataset has changed since last saved.

. list ctry_code
list ctry_code

 | ctry_c~e |
 1. | |
 2. | AD |
 3. | AE |
 4. | AF |
 5. | AG |

MariaDB and SAS

For an overview of SAS/ACCESS Interface for MariaDB, see the appropriate SAS Documentation

A Wharton HPC and WRDS specific example — put some SAS data in MySQL:

* query WRDS and use SAS/ACCESS Interface to MariaDB to create a MariaDB table *;

libname optionm '/wrds/optionm/sasdata';
libname mysqllib mysql server='hpcc-sql'
  database='USERNAME' user='USERNAME' password='MYMYSQLPASSWORD';

proc sql;
  create table mysqllib.sastest
    as select year(date)*10000+month(date)*100+day(date)
      as datenum, a.days, a.rate
    from optionm.zerocd as a;