
HPC3 Jupyter Lab


# log on to HPC3
ssh USERNAME@hpc3.wharton.upenn.edu

# start an interactive compute session

# load Python (can also be loaded other ways!
# See https://research-it.wharton.upenn.edu/tools/Python/)
module load python/3.12.3
module load gcc/12.2.0

# create a Python virtual environment (I called mine 'venv3123_jupyter', or
# you can also skip this and do the next section in an existing venv)
python -m venv venv3123_jupyter

# enable the venv
source venv3123_jupyter/bin/activate

# upgrade admin modules
python -m pip install -U setuptools wheel

# install jupyterlab
python -m pip install -U jupyterlab

# copy the custom HPC3 config file into place
rsync -av /usr/local/demo/Python/Notebook/jupyter_lab_config.py ~/.jupyter/

# start the lab
jupyter lab

# follow instructions (create ssh tunnel, click on http://127... link)

Using After Setup (Regular Use)

In the future, to start a lab, simply:

# connect to Wharton or Penn VPN
# log on to HPC3
ssh USERNAME@hpc3.wharton.upenn.edu

# start an interactive compute session
qlogin    # other options as required

# load Python (can also be loaded other ways, like in your ~/.bashrc file!)
module load python/3.12.3

# enable the venv
source venv3123_jupyter/bin/activate

# start the lab 
jupyter lab 

# follow instructions (create ssh tunnel, click on http://127... link)