Enabling Keyring Password Storage

For Subversion

In our HPCC environment, add the following code to your .bashrc file:

if test -z "$DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS" ; then
  eval `dbus-launch --sh-syntax`

That gets the processes started to store keys in your keyring. To terminate the gnome-keyring-daemon processes properly on logout, add the following to your ~/.bash_logout file:

pkill -u hughmac dbus-daemon
pkill -u hughmac gnome-keyring-daemon

Now you’re ready to modify your Subversion to use the keyring. To make sure Suversion is activated for your account, type svn help. This will create a ~/.subversion directory, which contains configuration files for Subversion.

Now edit your ~/.subversion/config file, uncommenting the password-stores line and removing ,kwallet, so it looks like this:

password-stores = gnome-keyring

Now LOG OUT and log back in to start up the dbus and gnome-keyring daemons, and you should be ready to use the Gnome Keyring for Subversion. You will be prompted for the Keyring password the first time you use Subversion for each login session, and the first time you connect to a particular Subversion service you will have to supply the credentials for it so that they will be stored (encrypted!) in your keyring.