Real Estate HPCC Environment


Currently the Real Estate Department has their own HPCC environment.  This environment is only for Real Estate Department faculty and staff.  There is no queue and it is based on first come and first serve basis.  Other then that using the environment is similar to using the HPCC environment.  Here are the specs that make up the Real Estate HPCC environment.

Real Estate HPCC Environment

The Real Estate HPCC environment is in the AWS environment.  These are the number and type of instances the Real Estate HPCC environment is using.

  • Fifty c5.xlarge (2 cores, 8GB RAM, $0.17/hr) instances.

Using the Real Estate HPCC

The commands are used to run your jobs in the Real Estate HPCC environment. It is similar to how you might run jobs on the Wharton HPCC environment.  I would recommend that you create the following aliases on your .bashrc file.

alias qlogin-aws='qlogin -now n -q aws-real.q -l aws_real -P real_real_aws'
alias qrsh-aws='qrsh -now n -q aws-real.q -l aws_real -P real_real_aws'
alias qsub-aws='qsub -q aws-real.q -l aws_real -P real_real_aws'
alias qstat-aws='qstat -q aws-real.q -u \*'
alias qalter-aws='qalter -q aws-real.q -l aws_real -P real_real_aws'

After this your basic job submission will look like: qsub-aws

All these commands will start the jobs in the Real Estate HPCC environment.  Also if no one is using the Real Estate HPCC environment it will take a little while to start your job as it’ll have to start up the first instance.  The following Cloud Bursting page will have useful information as well since Real Estate HPCC is using the AWS environment.

The following commands will also function in the Real Estate HPCC environment like it would in the Wharton HPCC environment.

  • qstat: displays the status of all HPCC queues, by default displaying your job information. It includes running and queued jobs
  • qram: displays the RAM usage of each of your running jobs/tasks
  • hpccstatus: displays further cluster job details, including available slots
  • qhost: displays the status of all the nodes of the HPCC
  • qacct -j: display accounting info about completed jobs

Checking Monthly Usage

Please be mindful of the usage of this environment.  You are running jobs in the AWS environment when using the Real Estate HPCC and the cost will be charged back to the Real Estate department.  Below is how you can find out the usage on a per month bases.

  • Unicloud-dbr -m year-month (2019-10 format)