The Wharton School Research Paper Series (WSRP Series) is a set of services offered by the Social Science Research Network (SSRN), a premier network committed to the worldwide distribution of research.  The WSRP Series bundles all SSRN-posted papers authored by Wharton-affiliated scholars together to showcase the depth and breadth of Wharton research.  In addition, the WSRP Series includes an e-journal of up to 250 papers that is available by email subscription and on the SSRN web site. The WSRP Series includes working papers from faculty across a wide variety of business disciplines. Some highlights:

  • The WSRP Series has driven more than 750,000 total downloads of the 2,040 posted research papers and abstracts since inception.  
  • The e-journal has 5,943 current subscribers and has distributed more than 200 papers since 2012.  
  • Wharton is currently ranked #3 in top business schools at SSRN in affiliated authors and downloads.  
  • The WSRP Series provides back-end functionality that makes it a snap for Wharton researchers to post their research to both the School’s internal website and SSRN with a single click.